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BBSafe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance

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5 things every parent should ask when signing your kid up to a new after school activity – keeping kids safe from abuse and sexual abuse

5 things every parent should ask when signing your kid up to a new after school activity – keeping kids safe from abuse and sexual abuse CONTENT WARNING – mentions safeguarding children from child sexual abuse Do you know what to ask to check on the way an organisation or business addresses the risk of… Continue reading 5 things every parent should ask when signing your kid up to a new after school activity – keeping kids safe from abuse and sexual abuse

BBSafe October Newsletter – spotlight on grooming, free webinar

BBSafe October Newsletter – spotlight on grooming, free webinar In the context of child sexual abuse, grooming is something that many of us broadly understand…but would we actually recognise it if it was occurring? And would we know what to do about? Grooming refers to the actions by a person to create opportunities to sexually offend… Continue reading BBSafe October Newsletter – spotlight on grooming, free webinar

BBSafe – Child Protection Week webinar program

Child Protection Week 2022 webinar program BBSafe Child Protection Week Program 4-10 September 2022 Join us for our program of webinars during Child Protection Week. This year’s theme is every child, in every community, needs a fair go. At BBSafe, we work with organisations, boards, businesses, sports clubs, families and communities to improve the safety… Continue reading BBSafe – Child Protection Week webinar program

Ask the right questions

Asking the right questions When you sign your little one up to an after school activity, do you ask about their child safety policies? Anyone working with children should have children’s safety as a primary concern, and ideally that is highly visible to parents and children. Here are some questions you can ask: Is there… Continue reading Ask the right questions

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