BB Safe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance

So there’s been a report of grooming or abuse – what do we do next? – July 2024

So there’s been a report of grooming or abuse – what do we do next? – July 2024 The Building Blocks of Safeguarding Culture   BBSafe – So there’s been a report of suspected grooming, abuse, sexual abuse, neglect or exploitation in my organisation – we’ve done the external reporting – what do we do next?? Whether we… Continue reading So there’s been a report of grooming or abuse – what do we do next? – July 2024

June newsletter – new recruitment factsheet available; free Safeguarding Masterclass; Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program; Safeguarding partnerships

June newsletter – new recruitment factsheet available; free Safeguarding Masterclass; Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program; Safeguarding partnerships A lot has been happening at BBSafe – although we are approaching EOFY there is no slowing down!   New BBSafe Safeguarding Recruitment Resource We were pleased to launch our new BBSafe Safeguarding Recruitment resource – our top ten tips to help you… Continue reading June newsletter – new recruitment factsheet available; free Safeguarding Masterclass; Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program; Safeguarding partnerships

Safeguarding Recruitment top ten tips

Safe recruitment practices – fact sheet BBSafe – safeguarding recruitment fact sheet Following the BBSafe webinar on recruitment this week, we received this feedback from one of our attendees: “We received a number of great suggestions for improvement from the webinar and we would like to introduce these into our organisation” Karen, Community Services This is why… Continue reading Safeguarding Recruitment top ten tips

Safe recruitment practices and what’s on – May 2024

Safe recruitment practices and what’s on – May 2024 BBSafe – safe recruitment practices I was so thrilled with this recent feedback about our work at BBSafe! “Because of the tools and strategies I learned with BBSafe, we were actually able to identify someone who was applying to work with us, who was being less than… Continue reading Safe recruitment practices and what’s on – May 2024

Governing for Safety – March 2024

Governing for Safety – March 2024 Governing for Safety – Board directors, management committee, executives, leaders If you’re a board director or management committee member do you understand your legislative obligations in relation to the safeguarding of the children or client groups you are working with? There could be civil and even criminal penalties for… Continue reading Governing for Safety – March 2024

BBSafe – your safeguarding partner

BBSafe – your safeguarding partner 12 month BBSafe Safeguarding Partnership At BBSafe we work with not for profit organisations of all sizes and service types –sports clubs, disability services, aged care, child and family services, religious organisations, health services, domestic violence services, aged care, homelessness services and schools. We know it can be hard to… Continue reading BBSafe – your safeguarding partner

Beyond Compliance

Beyond compliance: Embedding safeguarding culture in working with children and vulnerable adults Often, when we think about abuse of children or vulnerable adults, we think about the familial context. And while that is certainly where abuse is most prevalent, three Royal Commissions (Child Sexual Abuse, Aged Care, Disability) have shown us the risks, dynamics and… Continue reading Beyond Compliance

Categorized as BBSafe

Understanding safeguarding risk – October 2023

Understanding safeguarding risk – October 2023 Contact us   Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults – understanding risk  This week saw the handing down of the Final Report of the Royal Commissioninto Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People With Disability. Thetwelve volumes contained 222 wide-ranging recommendations for reforms toimprove the safety of people with disabilities. The Executive Summary… Continue reading Understanding safeguarding risk – October 2023

Lead and lag indicators of safety; this month’s free webinar; Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program – June 2023

Lead and lag indicators of safety; this month’s free webinar; Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program – June 2023 I’m a strong advocate for culture led safeguarding as having the greatest impact on safety of children and other vulnerable people in organisations. Compliance activity is important, but if it is driving a safeguarding agenda, the impact can… Continue reading Lead and lag indicators of safety; this month’s free webinar; Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program – June 2023

BBSafe April 2023 Newsletter – announcing our BBSafe Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program

BBSafe April 2023 Newsletter – announcing our BBSafe Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program What is it? Sometimes by design, sometimes by accident we might find ourselves with responsibility for leading safeguarding in our organisation – running the working with children or criminal history checks, making sure we have a risk management strategy, trying to get everyone… Continue reading BBSafe April 2023 Newsletter – announcing our BBSafe Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program