BBSafe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance
This time of year is always a good time to sit back and take stock of the year – what went well, where were the challenges, what are the opportunities for stepping up for the coming year.
At BBSafe, we want IMPACT. We want to have conversations about safeguarding with as many organisations, boards, leaders and frontline staff as possible. We want to make the world a safer place for children and vulnerable adults. It really is that simple.
We are very proud of the work we do to support not for profit organisations to keep getting better at safeguarding. We do this through a combination of paid consulting, training and services, probono services where we can, and free webinars and resources.
This year we have run 13 free public webinars with over 500 registrants from across the sector. We have provided over 200 hours of probono services to a range of not for profits. We have delivered training to hundreds of NFP staff, volunteers and leaders, and have worked with over a dozen boards. We have worked with dozens of organisations of all sizes, across the country in safeguarding, governance and trauma informed practice.
In 2025…
We are deeply committed to growing our impact through our partnerships with organisations and businesses working with children and vulnerable adults through our paid and probono work. Our team is growing and we look forward to introducing you to our people in 2025.
We will kick off the year with some industry focus briefings added to our regular webinar content. For example, we will look at safeguarding in the health sector, in disability services, in sport and rec, in schools and in Churches.
Our next Safeguarding Lead Coaching Program will commence in February/March and you can join our waitlist at so you will be the first to know about dates.
Meanwhile, if there are safeguarding topics that are of interest to you that you would like to hear more from us about, please drop me an email at – I would love to hear from you.
Thanking you for your ongoing support and your commitment to safeguarding in your organisation and the passion you bring to your work. Wishing you all the very best of the season and I look forward to connecting with you in 2025.