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BBSafe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance

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Safeguarding Training
for Disability Services

Micah Projects Company Logo
BBSafe Australia Company Logo
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Government Logo

Micah Projects is pleased to partner with BBSafe to deliver ‘Compliance and Beyond – Safeguarding people with disability for NDIS workers and providers’, a national program to increase the safety and wellbeing of people with disability who are in receipt of NDIS supports and services.  BBSafe is a national safeguarding consultancy, focused on not for profit capability development in safeguarding and trauma informed practice in community services. 


The program is funded by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.


People with disabilities are vulnerable to violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation (VANE). The project aims to move beyond compliance and focus on prevention by providing comprehensive vdisabilities through: 

  • Training NDIS workers and providers to understand abuse risks, recognize signs of grooming and abuse, and respond effectively. 
  • Equipping people with disabilities and their supporters with knowledge about acceptable behaviour and professional boundaries, making it easier to raise concerns. 
  • Training NDIS workers and providers to offer trauma-informed responses to VANE incidents. 

The project will deliver a national education and training program with four levels of training for workers and providers, plus an education program for people with disabilities and their families/supporters. The free training will be available online, face-to-face, and virtually, with a rolling schedule throughout the grant period. Each training package will include practical tools and resources for immediate implementation. 

Training Packages

Additionally, education sessions and resources will be provided to people with disabilities and their supporters, covering their rights, understanding risks, and what to do if they have concerns. 


This comprehensive program aims to create a culture of safeguarding, improving the safety and well-being of people with disabilities and improving the quality of supports received. 

To learn about training opportunities, please join our mailing list below.

Or you can email us on


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The training can be undertaken by anyone who is connected to the NDIS under the categories above.  

Webinars will be free of charge. Face to face sessions will generally be free of charge, unless there is a catering component. 

The sessions will be run several times per year from mid-late 2025. Join our mailing list here so you will get information about upcoming training sessions and how to register. 

The project will have a Peer Advisor and a Co-Design Panel to help shape the training and resources. We will be seeking feedback from NDIS participants and their families and supporters throughout the project. The voice of people with disability is central to this work.

Micah Projects is a not-for-profit organisation in Brisbane dedicated to creating justice and responding to injustice in our community.

We believe that every child and adult has the right to a home, healthcare, education, income, safety, dignity, and meaningful connection.

Together with our community and government partners, we provide a range of integrated support and advocacy services tailored to each person's unique needs and capacity.

Through our work, we hope to create a safe, equitable and inclusive community.

Micah Projects works with a range of people who are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation and many of our participants have lived experience of disability. Working safely with our participants and empowering them with information to help increase their safety and understanding the impact and consequences of trauma, including intergenerational trauma, is at the core of what we do

We have adopted the Building Blocks Framework in Micah Projects to help strengthen the way our staff work safely with participants – have a look here Micah Projects Child Safe And Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Framework | Micah Projects. We believe in the Building Blocks as a way to make organisational change and we are pleased to have the opportunity support this work into the broader sector.

BBSafe has worked in safeguarding of children and adults for over a decade, working with large national organisations with complex organisational dynamics, clients with a range of vulnerabilities to VANE, with a strong understanding of organisational change, right through to small, local organisations. BBSafe is a social purpose business, respecting the expertise of people with lived experience, and working with the practical realities of community services delivery. 

The best way to find out more is to join our mailing list here. Or you can email us at We will send out a quarterly newsletter and information about upcoming training sessions.  

If you have any concerns about someone is being harmed or at risk of harm, please contact police on 000.