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BBSafe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance

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Safe recruitment practices - fact sheet

BBSafe – safeguarding recruitment fact sheet 


Following the BBSafe webinar on recruitment this week, we received this feedback from one of our attendees:



We received a number of great suggestions for improvement from the webinar and we would like to introduce these into our organisation” Karen, Community Services



This is why we do the work we do, offering free webinars and probono services where we can. We work with not for profits of all shapes, sizes and sectors – and get to meet the most amazing, passionate, committed staff, volunteers, leaders and board members.



To support community organisations, our new BBSafe – safeguarding recruitment fact sheet is available. Feel free to share it with your colleagues and networks. It is relevant to all sectors working with children and vulnerable adults. And if you need safeguarding support, please get in touch with us.