BBSafe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance
BBSafe –
safe recruitment practices
I was so thrilled with this recent feedback about our work at BBSafe!
“Because of the tools and strategies I learned with BBSafe, we were actually
able to identify someone who was applying to work with us, who was being less
than honest in the information they were providing to try to hide some past
inappropriate behaviour. I’m so glad that we insisted on following our
procedure and living out our commitment to safeguarding. We were able to avoid
exposing our kids to someone who had crossed professional boundaries in the
past.” Rebecca, child related service
This is why we do the work we do, offering free webinars and probono services
where we can. We work with not for profits of all shapes, sizes and sectors –
and get to meet the most amazing, passionate, committed staff, volunteers,
leaders and board members.
Thank you Rebecca!
This month’s free webinar is on safe recruitment practices – volunteers,
employees, board members. Learn about the processes designed to elicit red
flags, how to recognise these red flags and what to do about them. 22 May,
12-1pm AEST Register here:
Also coming up for BBSafe:
BBSafe Deep Dive –
governing for safety – 17 May, 12-1pm (a small charge for this
one) – Register here:
BBSafe Safeguarding
Masterclass – FREE webinar – 14 June, 12-2pm – Register here
BBSafe – Safeguarding
Lead Coaching Program – our next program is kicking off in
July! Get in touch if you’re interested to know more
Also, ask about our BBSafe Safeguarding Partnerships – we can be on call for
all of your organisation’s safeguarding needs.