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BBSafe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance

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Going Beyond Compliance

We love speak to Board and management committee members about the questions they should be asking themselves and their organisations beyond compliance to understand what is happening in relation to their safety culture – indicators, ‘near misses’, visibility, and learnings.


At BBSafe, we work with organisations, boards, businesses, sports clubs, families and communities to improve safety of children and other vulnerable people.


We help organisations to get out from under the burden of compliance to tackle culture – where it really makes a difference to safety and protection from abuse. 


We have developed the Building Blocks framework which takes organisations back to basics to understand how to make a real difference in safeguarding culture, specific to their context, and with relational and bespoke support to identify meaningful, impactful actions. In addressing the building blocks of culture, your compliance will be covered. 


We also empower families to understand what to look for when they are entrusting an organisation with their children or other vulnerable family members.