BBSafe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance
Often, when we think about abuse of children or vulnerable adults, we think about the familial context. And while that is certainly where abuse is most prevalent, three Royal Commissions (Child Sexual Abuse, Aged Care, Disability) have shown us the risks, dynamics and vulnerabilities in relation to violence, abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation in the institutional context.
The result of the Royal Commissions is a complex system of safeguarding, which is often principles-based but compliance driven. This skews safeguarding activity to reporting, and risks missing the crucial elements of prevention, early detection and responding well. The Royal Commissions gave us many examples of organisations that were technically compliant, but where cultures did not support safe practice, and appalling abuse was enabled to occur and continue for lengthy periods. It is critical that organisations understand their context specific risk.
In this webinar, Sarah Lim, Lead Safeguarding Consultant and CEO of BBSafe will take participants through Building Blocks of Safeguarding Culture Framework – a culture led framework developed over the last decade which brings safeguarding to life for everyone in your organisation – from the board room to the frontline.
The Framework provides a lens for organisations to consider their own safeguarding risks, and in the webinar, Sarah will provide practical tips for making your organisation safer for the vulnerable people you work with. For management committees and boards, this webinar will provide a lens on governance and give board members insights on the types of questions they should be asking.