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BBSafe | Safeguarding Culture & Compliance

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Asking the right questions

When you sign your little one up to an after school activity, do you ask about their child safety policies?

Anyone working with children should have children’s safety as a primary concern, and ideally that is highly visible to parents and children.

Here are some questions you can ask:

Can you see a commitment to keeping kids safe from abuse? Are they aware of the risks and showing you how they are managing them?

This is bare minimum and no ongoing guarantee of suitability to work with children.

Did they have to dig it out? Is it a living document for them? Do you see evidence of it being used?

Can you see what is happening and hear the way your child is being spoken to? If not, you have to ask why not.

Is this information visible? Is there a process that is open and transparent?

Asking these questions will help to raise the standards of organisations working with children

This information helps you to understand how much involvement / visibility you need to maintain

Ask the questions - have the hard conversation

Go with your gut feeling - raise any concerns and keep chasing until you get a response